The Nightshade Network

Welcome to The Nightshade Network! Where we will be discussing about the theory and practice of witchcraft, as well as the different paths associating with the magick. You will be listening to two witches, Anabiel and Lillith, as we will guide and teach you about our experiences and knowledge!

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Thursday Jun 08, 2017

Welcome to our first episode of The Nightshade Network! We will first cover what this podcast is about, ourselves, our haunted excursions into one of the most haunted cemeteries in America, and some reviews of places and items. We hope you enjoy listening! 
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Music - Adrian Von Ziegler


Wednesday Jun 07, 2017

Wednesday Jun 07, 2017

This is just a test run/intro, but we will hopefully create more episodes for you!
The Nightshade Network is a podcast featuring 2 praciticing witches going on tirades about the craft and everything surrounding it. Our names are Anabiel and Lillith, and we consider ourselves both young and old.
Thank you for listening in! Hope you come again!
Music - Adrian Von Ziegler - Gaelic Earth

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